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 MGMSMusic Deals

These specific deals where constructed for the sole purpose of an Indie Label or Artist. These packages will give the Artist/Label, will help them get to the NEXT LEVEL, in their music career. However, M-Global Music Solutions can assemble a personal and strategic package JUST FOR YOU!!      GET STARTED NOW!!!


All  month-to-month packages have a one-time set up fee, of $29.99. All packages and promotional price plans are subject to change at M-Global Music Solutions discretion.            (( If you are NOT a 100% satisfied  you can cancel your month-To-month services at any time. All annual packages are  3, 6 , 6  month agreement deals.)) 

    Artist Development Package


1. 25-Free Promo CDs/mo (text only)

2. 1-Song Distribution: to iTunes,80+

3. 1-Complimentary Beat

4. Free-On-Demand Distribution

5. 1-Song Masterd (Digital)

6. 3-Session w/ Strategy Cons/mo

7. Unlimited-Phone Support/mo

8. 5-Paid-Online Radio Subm/

9. 2-Press Releases

10. 350-Email Marketing Blast/mo

11. 5-Groups of 500-Social Blast-5x/mo

12. 1-Live Development Perfomence/mo





        Artist Business Package

1. 65-Free Promo CDs/mo (text only)

2. 3-Song Distribution:to iTunes, 80+

3. 3-Complimentary Beats

4. Free-On-Demand Distribution

5. 3-Songs Masterd (Digital)

6. Unlimited Phone Support/mo

7. 4-Sessions w/ Strategy Cons/mo

8. 15-Paid-Online Radio Subm

9. 1,500-Email Marketing Blast/mo

10.3-Live Development Performences/mo

11. Gold&Platinum Plac Registration

12. Billboard & Indie Chart Registration

13. 2- Pandora & iHeart Radio Subm  

14. 6-Press Releases 

15. 5-Groups of 5,000-Social Blast-5x/mo 

16. 1-Mini- Video

17. 30-Video Uploads

18. 4hr-Studio Time Block

      Label Management Package 

1. 100-Free Promo CDs/mo (text only)

2. 7-Songs Distribution:to iTunes,80+

3. 5-Complimentary Beats

4. Free-On-Demand Distrabution

5. 7-Songs Masterd (Digital)

6. Unlimited Phone Support/mo

7. 6-Sessions w/ Strategy Cons/mo

8. 30-Paid Online Radio Subm

9. 2,500-Email Marketing Blast/mo

10. 4-Live Development Performences/mo

11. Gold&Platinum Plac Registrations

12. Billboard & Indie Chart Registration

13. 6-Pandora & iHeart Radio Subm

14. 12-Press Releases

15. 10-Groups of 10,000-Social Blast-5x/mo

16. 1-Full Music Video

17. 50-Video Uploads

18. 8hr-Studio Time Block

All Shipping and Handling prices of Promo CDs, are Separate from packages.

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Becuse Your Success

is Our Passion!!


Let MGMS do the

work for YOU!!



   Marketing & Promo #1- $69.99
  • 500-Email Blast and 10-Paid Online Radio Subm:

      2-press Releases and 1,500 Social Blast       campaign (Facebook Twitter) 






M.P Deal
   Marketing & Promo #2- $99.99
  • 1,500-Email Blast and 15-Paid Online Radio Subm:

      4-press Releases and 5,000 Social Blast campain(Facebook Twitter) 






   Marketing & Promo #3- $139.99
  • 3,500-Email Blast and 25-Paid Online Radio Subm:

      3-press Releases,and 15,000 Social Blast campain(Facebook Twitter)  plus 2-PANDORA Subm:






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